Tag Archives: social media

Using Social Proof to Boost e-Commerce Experiences

Mobile ShoppingSocial proof is the term used to describe the evidence we look for regarding the use or experience of a particular product, service, or even the company as a whole. There are several reasons to incorporate it into any e-Commerce business with features like ratings and reviews or social media links. Ratings and reviews serve to attract customer attention, help to influence buying decisions,  and provide feedback to improve and refine your business processes, customer service, and product.

What are other people saying?

Customers look for social proof from their peers when making buying decisions. They do this before buying to hear what others are saying or even after they have purchased their items to confirm that they made a good purchase. They have the chance to connect with other customers.  It also provides businesses with the opportunity to learn of any issues (if any). Continue reading

Content Planning for Responsive Design

Nav-to-Net™ 7 - Laptop and Tablet Responsive Design e-CommerceTaking form and function to the next level, we must pay close attention to content when adopting Responsive Design for our e-Commerce websites.

If you’re considering an e-Commerce website built with Responsive Design, you’re probably in at least one of these situations:

  • You need a mobile-friendly site to stand up to competitors
  • Your current site and/or platform is outdated and you need a redesign
  • You need to push your company forward into the mobile market

Outgrowing your e-Commerce solution can have serious repercussions on your business. Not only do you lag behind your competition, you fail to effectively meet customer needs, business processes become increasingly clumsy, and poor integration will create more problems than it solves. Updating your e-Commerce solution to one that is truly integrated on all levels with your ERP is a step in the right direction. Continue reading

A Fond Farewell to 2014 – A Recap of a Year at DVP

fireworks-572621_640Another year has passed and what an eventful year it has been for us at Digital Vantage Point.

We’ve attended conferences, added some awesome features to our e-Commerce solution Nav-to-Net™, shared resources (both brand new and revamped), and started this blog.

Read on for a little review of our year: Continue reading

Selling E-Commerce as a Partner

Great bargainAt Digital Vantage Point, we are committed to delivering e-Commerce solutions built exclusively for Microsoft Dynamics™ NAV. In order to sell to the mid-sized companies using NAV, we take advantage of our extensive business partner community. Being a partner of Digital Vantage Point has many benefits; if you would like to become a partner or read more about it, click here.

With any aspect of e-Commerce, we need to consistently add to our skills repertoire in order to achieve marketing success and increase sales. We have to research to find different resources to help us achieve our goal. At Digital Vantage Point, we aim to provide these resources for you so you can succeed and make the most of your investment.

And of course, we want to provide the same resources to any partners, or potential partners, who sell e-Commerce solutions. Continue reading